

AISFÓN acoustic pannels

AISFÓN panels are modular panels used for the construction of sound insulation booths and screens.
AISFÓN acoustic pannels

Acoustic doors

TC acoustic doors have been designed for those places where a high level of acoustic insulation is needed.
Acoustic doors

Air flow silencers

Air flow silencers have been designed to dampen all noises produced by ventilation systems.
silenciadores-acusticos copia.webp


These materials are used to increase the sound insulation rate in vertical and horizontal walls made of all types of components


Absorbing materials have been designed to carry out an acoustic correction in premises, thus improving the acoustics inside them.
materiales-absorbentes copia.webp

Custom-made solutions

At SINTEC we adjust to your requirements to offer you tailored solutions. Tell us what your needs are.
soluciones-a-medida copia.webp
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea